Marijuana Gardens is Taking Home Cultivation to the Next Level


Marijuana Gardens AZ, LLC is taking home cultivation to the next level. The Tempe, Arizona-based company announced the production and sales of turnkey Outdoor Marijuana Grow House Kits. Addistionally, they’re offering premium gardening services.

New Opportunities

Last year, Arizona passed the Smart and Safe Act (Arizona Proposition 207). Consequently, this caused the use of recreational cannabis to be legal. It also allowes residents to grow and harvest for personal use up to 12 marijuana plants per household. With a Prop 207-compliant outdoor cannabis grow house, Arizona residents can start growing their own cannabis garden today.

With a small, upfront investment, Marijuana Gardens will construct an attractive and secure outdoor grow house. This house will have all equipment and soils needed to grow cannabis plants. Furthermore, using seeds customers obtain through a third-party provider will plant its customers’ first harvest.

All of this results in an exciting new hobby that anyone over the age of 21. Additionally, it could be the gateway into gardening as a whole. Nonetheless, Marijuana Gardens makes home cultivation an easy, obtainable goal with their services. Not only will growing your own cannabis be simple, it will probably help your wallet in the long run.

Financially Smarter

Growing your own cannabis is not only a fun hobby, but it will save you a lot of money. With proper cultivation, customers can expect their cannabis grow house to produce between 50 to 70 ounces of cannabis  each year. Double that for 12 plants.

“With marijuana selling for upwards of $250 per ounce, our customers can save a significant amount of money growing their own,” says Schettino.

Marijuana Home Gardens also offers optional service contracts. Skilled marijuana growers will come to its customers’ homes every week, cultivate the plants, and treat the soil to ensure a constant crop.

“This isn’t your mother’s vegetable garden where you jam some seeds in the ground and walk away,” says co-founder Dante Shettino. “If you don’t have experience in growing marijuana, you are going to waste a lot of time and money, not to mention risking a complete loss.”

The additional access to help is what makes this different from any other home cultivation kits. The risk of losing your entire investment is much higher when doing this alone.

Marijuana Home Gardens provides premium organic soil and nutrients and combines them with cultivation expertise to maximize growth. “Using highly popular auto flower seeds, we can take you from seed to smoke in 90 days,” says Schettino.


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